Bright Spots!
When was the last time someone acknowledged your effort? Maybe it was your colleague who gave you credit in a meeting, or simply a stranger who said “thank you” for holding the door. This month, we’re focusing on one of the simplest, but most impactful tools for supporting our success, connection, and wellbeing, and that of our communities: recognition.
Recognition as a spotlight
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” -G.K. Chesterton
The cycle of Gratitude and Reciprocity
Promoting Recognition at work
In our professional lives, the impact of recognition is equally significant. Employees who feel appreciated are more engaged, motivated, and loyal. Research shows that organizations that prioritize recognition have higher employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention rates. But recognition isn't just about acknowledging the star players; it's about creating a culture where everyone feels valued. So, the next time you witness someone's dedication, take a moment to acknowledge it. It might just create a ripple effect that can illuminate the world around you.